Fanfan's Profile


Pembroke Welsh Corgi "Fanfan la tulipe".

Kind of dogs Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Name Moro of Shinmarusow
Sex male(castrated)
Birth date January 6, 1996
Born place Aichi-prefecture
Color Red & White
Father Earlina's Winner
Mother Landgard of Shinmarusow
Qualification CD1, CD2

The truth of naming

Gerard Philipe and Fanfan

It was the begining of 1996. The film festival of Gerard Philipe, a French arthodox handsome actor, was getting attention in Tokyo.
It is said that he was being called "Fanfan" in connectoin with his most welknown film "Fanfan la tulipe".
And, when I sow Fanfan at a neary pet shop for the first time, he reminded me of Gerard Philipe. You know, Fanfan has got the dignified good looks and big ears like a tulipe.
Because he was very expensive, 390,000 yen, there was no way I can afford to buy him.
I remember, I once in a while looked in a show window of the pet shop and called him "Fanfan" (Doesn't Fanfan remind you of Gerard Philipe?)

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